How To Clean A Granite Composite Sink?

How To Clean A Granite Composite Sink

The kitchen sinks are utilized almost 24*7 every day. Be it washing up utensils after a meal or bathing small pets and children, your sink does it all. This is the reason people choose to buy not only a good-looking sink but also one that is durable, sturdy, and functions well over time. However, these days there’s a cost-effective and feasible alternative that provides all the visual appeal of the real deal — granite composite.

Granite composites have become one of the most popular materials for kitchen sinks. The rise in their popularity can be attributed to the longevity and toughness they offer. Even though it is a fantastic addition to any kind of kitchen, regular cleaning of granite composite sinks is essential to prevent any staining or alteration in the look of the sink’s surface. In this article, we will take you through the different methods that can help you clean your granite composite sinks and the things to avoid while cleaning.

What Is A Granite Composite?

Even though granite may not be your kitchen trend aficionados’ go-to preference for kitchen countertops, granite composite sinks are the new deal! By granite composite, it means an amalgamation of crushed quartz, stone dust, and acrylic resins that usually results in a highly durable, sturdy, low-maintenance, stone-like material that is a lot lighter than solid granite. The composition of a granite composite typically involves 80% granite mixed with 20% acrylic resin. Granite composites are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, configurations, colors, and matte finishes. Elkay and Blanco are two brands that have really excelled in manufacturing premium granite composite sinks and are currently leading the market.

How To Clean Your Granite Composite Sink?

Granite sinks have gained a lot of popularity because of their numerous benefits. It has a longer life span and gives your kitchen a chic look. The granite composite sinks are gorgeous and have outstanding features all the while being cost-effective. However, a lot of people face difficulties in cleaning a granite composite sink. But when you have the correct method, right tools, and a reliable guide, this should not be the case. Let’s learn some of the best ways to clean granite composite sinks.

Regular Cleaning

The most ideal approach to keep ‘deep cleaning’ of your composite sink at bay is to eliminate any kind of stains immediately as well as clean it regularly after each utilization. For regular cleaning, you can utilize soapy water and a sponge and make certain to dry off the sink when you’re done. This will allow you to remove any kind of stains, limescale, and water spots before they get an opportunity to grab hold of the sink. Also, you’d be warned early in case of a crack in your granite sink and you may have it repaired before it worsens. Even though this can be difficult for you to acquire as a habit, this regular cleaning habit will save you a lot of hassle in the long run along with helping your sink to look stunning.

How To Clean Stubborn Stains?

1. Using White Vinegar

In case the regular cleaning has not helped you much and you still find stains appearing in your sink, you can try using white vinegar. Although specific cleaners are available, white vinegar is one of the best effective home remedies for this problem. All you need to do is take a spray bottle and pour water and white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio into it. Proceed with spraying your entire sink with this mixture and gently scrubbing the surface, especially the highly stained spots. Then, rinse away all the vinegar and dry your sink with a clean dry cloth. Do not leave the vinegar on your sink for a longer period and rinse properly once you’re done cleaning.

2. Using Baking Powder And Vinegar

Another effective solution for removing those stubborn stains from your sink is utilizing a combo of vinegar with baking soda. For this hack, sprinkle some baking soda over the stain and then spray the aforementioned solution (water + vinegar) over the baking soda. The baking soda shall react with the vinegar and start fizzing. Proceed with scrubbing the solution with a sponge over the stain and rinse thoroughly once you’re satisfied with your cleaning. Then, dry out your sink with a clean and dry cloth.

3. Using Hydrogen peroxide and Whiting powder

In this hack, you will be needing whiting powder, hydrogen peroxide, plastic wrap, and a soft cloth or sponge. Start by mixing hydrogen peroxide and whiting powder to form a thick paste. You can also follow the instructions that come with the whiting powder for mixing. Take this thick paste and apply it over the stained area. However, the thickness of the layer should be ½ of an inch. Then cover the stained area with plastic wrap and leave it for 24 to 48 hours. After a day or two, remove the plastic wrap and wipe away all the past with a soft cloth or sponge. After you have removed the paste properly, rinse and clean the area thoroughly with water and dry the sink with a soft cloth or paper towel.

How NOT To Clean A Composite Granite Sink

Despite the fact that there are a few things you ought to do to keep your granite composite sink look incredible, here’s the list of things not to do while cleaning your granite sink. Given below is a list that outlines few points you should keep in mind and try not to do them for keeping your sink at its best.

1. Using Abrasive Scrub Pads

It is of utmost importance that you should not utilize abrasive materials to clean your sink. These abrasive pads/materials tend to leave scratch marks after you’ve cleaned. Few abrasive materials to avoid while cleaning your composite granite sink are steel wool, scouring pads, and abrasive brushes or pads. Instead, go for more soft and delicate materials like sponges or paper towels for protecting the sink’s exterior as well as retaining that beautiful finishing of your sink.

2. Using Synthetic Chemical Sink Cleaners

While your granite composite sinks are built to be sturdy and withstand even dropped pans and crockery, utilizing synthetic chemical sink cleaners for cleaning them is a big NO. These composite granite sinks are not good with taking up chemicals and end up losing their clean finish look, worse than ever. The harsh synthetic chemicals can damage the color and texture of your sink and make it appear “blurry”. Few chemicals to avoid are sulphuric acid, sodium hydroxide, ammonia, undiluted or diluted bleach, nail varnish, oven cleaners of any kind, drain cleaning chemicals, and hydrochloride. It will be a wise decision for you to either check with your manufacturer or use something that’s specifically designed for a granite composite sink.

Other Measures To Keep Your Synthetic Granite Sink From Staining

1. Protect Your Sink From Extreme Heat

It is certain that heat can damage your granite composite sinks. Only the best granite composite sinks or a high-quality sink that has been designed for heat resistance withstand heat. For keeping your composite sinks in the best shape, avoid placing too hot pans, pots, or containers on the sink’s surface. You should also never pour hot liquids into the sink. The best way to ensure if your sink is heat resistant is to check with your manufacturer.

2. Avoid Leaving stained cookware in your sink for long

A kitchen sink filled with greasy utensils may freak you out. But we understand that sometimes the cleaning task becomes daunting. However, no matter how tired you are, it is very important to clean up this mess as soon as you finish using them in order to prevent stubborn stains which may toughen as you leave them. Never leave a steel or cast-iron cookware in your sink for a longer period as iron reacts with moisture and causes stainless steel containers to rust and stain your sink. This will alter the look of your sink and make it look less appealing and dirty.

3. Avoid Leaving Wet Sponges In The Sink

Leaving wet sponges or cloths in/on the sink for prolonged periods is another mistake we do that leads to leaving nasty spots on your granite composite sinks. What happens is, when you leave a damp cloth or sponge for a long time, the cloth tends to leave limescale deposits or watermarks on your sink causing it to stain badly. This may give you hard time cleaning it and even cost you a few bucks. Several people do not bother picking up stray hairs left by the steel wool pads. They should keep in mind that these stray hairs tend to rust immediately if left unattended. Dropping these habits will immensely increase the life span of your beautiful granite composite sink.

Final Words

Based upon the information mentioned above, we believe you must have got a general idea on how to clean a granite composite sink as well as Dos and Don’ts of it. Granite composite sinks have surely won the hearts of several customers due to their posh look, durability, longevity, and low cost. Although they are sturdy, they tend to lose their shine in the long run if not maintained properly. Sometimes they are likely to lose their colors or textures as well. All you need to do is make a habit of cleaning your granite composite sinks on a daily basis. Even though they are high-maintenance, they are worth every penny and attention.[“

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